Preventive dentistry focuses on the ongoing maintenance of good oral health and hygiene to prevent the onset and/or further progression of any oral and dental problems. These could include conditions ranging from tooth decay and gum disease to orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry issues or even more serious illnesses like oral cancer.

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preventive dentistry

FAQs About Preventive Dentistry

Why is preventive dentistry so important?

At our dental clinic, we truly believe that prevention is better than a cure. While we provide the highest quality treatments for all manner of dental conditions using the latest technologies and state-of-the-art equipment, we would much rather see our patients avoid potentially invasive and costly treatments whenever possible.

With proper care and maintenance both at home and through regular visits to your dentist, the chances of keeping your pearly whites strong and healthy for longer increase significantly!

Can I practice preventive dental care at home?

Daily at-home care is one of the most important components of preventive dentistry. We can’t place enough emphasis on the importance of brushing your teeth carefully twice daily, flossing and rinsing with an antiseptic mouth wash every day, and eating a balanced diet for strong and healthy teeth and gums. Simply avoiding certain types of foods and beverages and not smoking can also go a long way in preventing teeth from staining and discoloring, as well as keeping the enamel healthy to avoid problems of tooth sensitivity.

Coupled with regular preventive dentistry visits to your dental clinic, these at-home practices are sure to extend the healthy life of your teeth by many years!

Why do I need to see a dentist for preventive dental care?

While at-home care is vitally important to the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums, it is just as important to make regular visits to your family dentist as part of your preventive dental care program.

Unfortunately, your daily at-home routine doesn’t completely guard against all the buildup of plaque and tartar, and you will need to visit your dentist for a professional teeth cleaning to have it removed from time to time. It is usually recommended that teeth cleaning be performed every six months in order to maintain optimum oral health and hygiene. This aids in preventing tooth decay and gum disease that may require more extensive dental procedures.

During these twice-yearly appointments, your dentist will also perform a thorough screening to ensure that there aren’t any signs of decay, disease, oral cancers, or any other oral or dental conditions. Catching any of these conditions in the early stages to treat and prevent their progression is also a vital part of preventive dental care that only your dentist can perform.

What does preventive dentistry for kids look like?

Preventive dental care is a vital part of pediatric dentistry for a variety of reasons. Training children at an early age about the importance of oral health and hygiene has been shown to benefit them well into adulthood with decreased chances of serious dental issues later in life. We recommend that parents bring children for their first pediatric dentistry appointment as early as the eruption of their first tooth to evaluate the growth of the baby teeth and begin formulating healthy habits for your child.

Aside from professional teeth cleaning and screening for decay and disease, another important component of preventive dentistry for kids involves early orthodontic assessment. When the process of transition from primary to adult teeth begins, usually at around 7 years of age, your child’s dentist can begin to anticipate certain potential orthodontic issues and take measures to limit or even eliminate needs for future costly and uncomfortable orthodontic services such as braces.

Call Us at (303) 671-0305 to find out why we are the #1 preventive dentistry in Aurora, CO.