
Dentures are removable prosthodontic devices that can act as a replacement for missing teeth. They play an important role in keeping the teeth and mouth in frame when one or more teeth are missing. These removable devices also play a functional role, making chewing and speaking much easier, and can also boost confidence by giving the user a more even smile.

Affordable Dentures in Aurora CO

At our Aurora family dentistry clinic, we believe that finances should never be a barrier to accessing good dental care. That is why we offer quality, affordable dentures for our patients with no interest financing available for those who need it.

Our process involves several visits to our dental clinic that are scheduled over the course of several weeks. Within these scheduled visits, accurate molds will be taken to provide quality, custom-made devices. Preliminary fitting appointments may be necessary to provide optimum outcomes in the shaping, color, and fitting of the denture. At the final appointment, your device will be ready for adjustment and to be placed by the dentist for a natural and comfortable fit.

Get in touch with us for affordable dentures in Aurora, CO.

Types of Dentures

affordable dentures

Complete and Partial Dentures

The two primary types of dentures are complete and partial dentures. A complete (or full) denture is required when a patient is missing all of the upper or lower teeth. In some cases, a few remaining teeth may need to be extracted if they are damaged or decayed beyond repair. The removable device is fabricated to fit the patient’s mouth with a gum-colored base that seals to the gums or roof of the mouth. The base supports a full set of plastic or porcelain teeth that help the patient with chewing and speaking clearly. The device also helps to fill out the appearance of the face to prevent sagging and gives you a confident smile.

For patients who still have some of their natural healthy teeth, partial dentures may be used to replace the missing teeth. These may also use a gum-colored base, but normally uses clasps attached to the natural healthy teeth for better security. They will help fill in the gaps for better functionality and aesthetics, as well as to prevent shifting of the remaining teeth.

Permanent Dentures and Immediate Dentures

Dentures are custom fabricated for each patient to ensure the most comfortable fit, and in the case of partial dentures, accurate color matching to the remaining natural teeth. Also, many patients require some tooth extraction procedures prior to having their devices fitted, after which the bone and gums shrink and adjust throughout the healing process.

What this means is that dentures fabricated to fit your mouth at or before your tooth extraction appointment may no longer be comfortable several weeks after the procedure. For this reason, permanent dentures require multiple visits to the dentist and may take 8-12 weeks before they are ready to be placed.   

Temporary dentures, also called immediate dentures, are created from molds taken prior to tooth extraction so that they can be ready for placement immediately after the teeth have been removed. They may be worn for up to several months with adjustments by your dentist, or until your permanent dentures are ready. These will help with the healing process as well as allow you to eat and speak more comfortably in the interim.

Alternative Solutions for Missing Teeth

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most durable, permanent solution to missing teeth, and are the closest thing to natural teeth. They are fixed prosthodontic devices planted into the socket of the missing tooth and fused to the bone, which helps prevent bone deterioration caused by tooth loss. Capped with a dental crown, a dental implant looks and functions just like your natural tooth. Though the upfront cost is considerably higher, dental implants provide long-term value, usually lasting a lifetime without requiring adjustments.

Dental bridges are also fixed prosthodontic devices that can be used to fill gaps caused by missing teeth. Healthy natural teeth from either side of the gap support one or more linked dental crowns to form the bridge. This helps with chewing, clearer speech, face shape maintenance, and prevention of shifting teeth.

Don’t delay any further. Contact us to get fitted for your brand new affordable dentures in Aurora, CO!

FAQs about Dentures

Who needs a denture?

Anyone who has suffered tooth loss from severe decay, gum disease, infection, or oral trauma may consider a denture or other prosthodontic treatments such as dental implants or dental bridges. If you have damaged or decayed permanent teeth that are beyond repair and require extraction, you may also be a candidate.

Are dentures uncomfortable?

Technology for these removable prosthodontic devices have come a long way, and with custom mold fabrications and better materials, they are more comfortable than ever. Most patients report an adjustment period in the beginning where they may experience some irritation or discomfort, but these usually ease over time. Periodic adjustments by your dentist may also be necessary, so if you feel that your denture doesn’t fit as well as they used to, make sure you visit your dental clinic.

How much do dentures cost?

Dentures cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to several thousand in the US, depending on number of missing teeth, where in the country you live, the quality, and the type of materials used. Many insurance plans will cover around 50% of the cost.

Our Aurora family dentistry clinic specializes in affordable dentures that are custom fabricated with high quality materials to ensure accessibility for all demographics. We also offer a no-interest financing program, so contact us for a consultation today!

Dentures vs implants?

The key advantage of a denture over dental implants is the upfront cost. Dental implants have a considerably higher upfront cost, which can be daunting to many patients. Also, implants require invasive oral surgery with considerably longer procedures and recovery times, which can also be a determining factor. Finally, patients who have suffered significant bone deterioration may not be a candidate for dental implants at all.

When looking at the long-term benefits, dental implants do offer many advantages. They often last a lifetime with no adjustments, which means greater long-term value and fewer follow-up visits to the dentist. They are also the closest choice to your natural teeth both in function and appearance, and the only prosthodontic device that prevents bone deterioration caused by tooth loss, which can lead to facial distortions over time.

How do I care for my dentures?

Dentures should be rinsed after each meal and brushed daily with a soft-bristled brush. Clean your device using a denture cleaner, hand soap, or mild dishwash detergent as toothpaste is too abrasive. Handle them gently to ensure you don’t bend or damage them and take care not to drop them. Generally, they should be kept moist in a cold denture cleansing solution (hot water can warp the shape of your dentures) when you are not wearing them, though this can vary depending on materials used. Always ask your dentist for specific instructions and follow them closely to maximize the life of your dentures.

schedule a consultation

We understand that going to the dentist causes many people anxiety. Our expert dentist is highly practiced in gentle dentistry and will explain the entire process in detail to help put your mind at ease. Schedule a consultation now with our Aurora family dentistry clinic.