oral surgery

What is an Oral Surgeon?

Oral surgeons are dentists who have completed an additional 4 years of highly specialized training specific to dental surgery. These specialists perform a variety of surgical procedures and are also trained in anesthesiology to treat patients with dental and oral defects, injuries, and diseases.  Orchid Dental collaborates with thoroughly trained oral surgery experts to provide comprehensive dental care.

When do I Need Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is performed on individuals for two main purposes: reconstructive needs and/or cosmetic needs. Some of the most common oral surgery procedures include root canal procedure for severe decay or dental implants for missing teeth. Less common but very important circumstances that may require oral surgery include surgery to remove a tumor or a cyst in your jaw. Misalignment of the upper and lower jaws that cause incorrect bite issues may also be corrected through oral surgery.

common types of oral surgery

The most common types of oral surgery are root canal procedure, dental implants, tooth extractions, and corrective jaw surgery. Let us look in detail at exactly what these are.

When tooth decay reaches the root canal to cause infection, it is necessary to clean out the pulp and nerve tissue from the root canal to prevent further infection and save the natural tooth. This process is called root canal procedure.

dental implant surgery

Dental implants are a the most effective way to replace a tooth missing from your mouth for ease in chewing and aesthetic purposes. This is a permanent surgical procedure that is the closest thing to your natural tooth in function and appearance.

Tooth extraction surgery is performed by making an incision into the gum and taking out the concerned tooth through extraction. This procedure is most commonly performed for wisdom teeth or when a tooth is severely infected and unsalvageable.

corrective jaw surgery

This surgery is performed when the patient’s jaw is misaligned. They may have an overbite or an under-bite, which can be adjusted through surgery. It can exorbitantly improve the ability of a patient to chew or even breathe.

Get in touch with us for professional oral surgery in Aurora, CO.

oral surgeon

Common Procedures Performed by Oral Surgeons

Your dentist will numb your mouth for this procedure, so you are completely comfortable. A simple incision will be made, and the impacted tooth will be cut into pieces before being removed, after which the incision will be sutured back into place.

Wisdom teeth removal normally requires oral surgery. This may be a simple extraction, but more often involves a more invasive procedure due to their position. Wisdom teeth are most prone to be impacted, often growing sideways due to lack of space.

dental implants

Dental implants are placed into to the jaw bone through oral surgery and fuses over time, making them the most secure dental replacement for missing teeth. A dental crown is placed over the implant for the appearance and function of your original healthy tooth.

Jaw Alignment Surgery

Unequal jaw growth can occur when the upper and lower jaws do not grow in the same proportion. They will then be misaligned with each other and may cause either an overbite or an underbite.

cleft lip and cleft palate repair

This surgery is performed by closing the gap that is present in the ro0f of the mouth. The way the palate is aligned is also rearranged and fixed.

facial injury repair

Trauma to the face is known as maxillofacial trauma and may require oral and maxillofacial surgery. These can include burns, bruises, fractures, broken bones, including jaw and teeth.

Snoring/sleep apnea Treatment

Your dentist may have the perfect solution for your sleep apnea with the help of an oral appliance. This appliance will help bring the tongue, as well as the lower jaw, forward. Due to this, your airway will not be obstructed, and you will be able to breathe properly as you sleep.

your comfort comes first

Here at Orchid Dental in Aurora, we are committed to making sure your visit with us is pleasant and successful. Your comfort always comes first when you come to our Aurora dentistry clinic. Consult with us and we will collaborate with our local oral surgeons to coordinate quality, holistic dental care for your entire family.

FAQs On Oral Surgery

do i need local or iv sedation?

Local sedation is used to numb the tissues surrounding the area that has to be operated on. It helps decrease discomfort during oral surgery. This type of anesthesia is most often used for less invasive procedures such as root canals and simple extractions. IV sedation is administered through an IV drip which feeds the medication straight into your veins to make you relaxed and drowsy. This is recommended for more invasive procedures.

is iv sedation safe?

IV sedation is completely safe and is often used in dental surgery. Even if you happen to fall asleep due to being sedated with medications through an IV drip, it will be fairly easy to wake you up.

what is oral surgery?

Oral surgery is any surgical procedure in nature, which is performed inside or around the mouth, gums, teeth, and jaw. This may be performed by an oral surgeon, though a general dentist may also perform some of the less complex procedures.

what does a dental surgeon treat?

A dental surgeon may treat any issues a patient might be having inside or around their mouth, gums, and teeth. They are trained specially to perform wisdom teeth removal, correction of jaw alignments, dental implant surgery, root canal procedure, and more.

What is a tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is usually a simple enough procedure. It is when the tooth concerned is permanently removed from its socket. Extraction may be performed manually or surgically. If done manually, the dentist or oral surgeon will use forceps to complete the task. Surgical extraction is required when the tooth concerned is impacted, meaning it has not broken through the gum tissue.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are part of the molars that humans have in their mouths. They are the last set of molars to grow in the mouth. Wisdom tooth extraction procedure is very common, as often these teeth are misaligned, impacted and cause pain.

how long does it take to recover from wisdom tooth removal?

Wisdom tooth removal is the surgical extraction of wisdom teeth, and the recovery time is quite short. We recommend setting aside 24-48 hours for recovery, depending on the invasiveness of your specific procedure. Since wisdom tooth removal is often performed under sedation, it is important to allow yourself plenty of time to become fully alert.

contact us now!

Do you need oral surgery in the Aurora CO area? Come in for a consultation, and let us coordinate the perfect treatment plan tailored to your needs. Oral surgery in Aurora CO is completely safe and hygienic.